Monday, December 27, 2010

On women as buzz-kills.

Frank the Tank: I told my wife I wouldn't drink tonight. Besides, I got a big day tomorrow. You guys have a great time.

Student: A big day? Doing what?

Frank the Tank: Well, um, actually a pretty nice little Saturday, we're going to go to Home Depot. Yeah, buy some wallpaper, maybe get some flooring, stuff like that. Maybe Bed, Bath, & Beyond..

You've seen and heard this story too many times: Boy meets Girl. Boy stops hanging out with his buddies. Girl forces Boy to do dull home improvement projects, and forbids Boy from ever watching sports or playing video games. Boy strives to escape Girl's constant nagging.

This concept of a man's life ending once he enters a relationship is everywhere! I saw a commercial today that summed it up perfectly. I couldn't find it on Youtube, so I'll have to give you a synopsis:

The gist of the commercial was “Absolutely everyone is coming to our massive Toyota sale! You never know who you'll run into!”

Enter a husband and wife, dressed in matching polo shirts and looking like total lame-o squares. Suddenly, a scruffy man runs up to the husband and exclaims, “Thrasher! I haven't seen you since high school! We're getting the band back together – you in?” The wife then glares daggers at the husband. The husband cringes and refuses to the join the band or give his old friend the time of day.

Geez, no wonder guys don't want to get into relationships! Apparently we women are bigger buzz-kills than Buzz Killington! We're kind of a mix between your mom, your elementary school principal, and your parole officer. We exist only to ensure that you never do anything awesome ever again.

Or not. In fact, I've never met any woman like that. The women I know want to travel. They want to go bungee jumping. They want to be in the front row at concerts. They want to share a pitcher with you while cheering on the Canucks. And they are quite happy to forget about stereotypes, and skip that lame trip to Bed, Bath & Beyond.

Trust me.

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